Refugee Nurses Australia
The Refugee Nurses of Australia (RNA) network was recently formed in January 2016 by lead Refugee Health Nurses across Australia. There are Refugee Health Nurses in every state and territory. The RNA has a national focus and provides an opportunity for nurses working with people from refugee background to share resources, be advocates, contribute to clinical guidelines and be involved in community of practice opportunities.
The objectives of the RNA are:
- Provide a forum for exchange of information and resources between refugee health nurses and other relevant stakeholders across Australia.
- Promote best practice in refugee health nursing through quality improvements and evidenced based research
- Provide leadership in the development of a national refugee health nurse clinical practice framework including scope of practice, credentialing and models of care.
- Advocate for refugee and asylum seeker issues.
National Steering Committee
Victoria: Lindy Marlow (Chair), Merilyn Spratling
NSW: Sandy Eagar, Michele Greenwood
SA: Jan Williams
QLD: Leeanne Schmidt (Sec.), Chris Allotta
NT: Irene Simonda
WA: Jo-Anne Parker
ACT: Lisa Clements
TAS: Sally Madden
To apply, complete the RNA membership application & survey form and email the completed form to refugeenursesaustralia@gmail.com noting your state or territory in the subject.
Photo (L-R): Sandy Eagar, Nurse Manager, NSW Refugee Health Service; Lindy Marlow, State-wide Facilitator, Victorian Refugee Health Program; Leeanne Schmidt, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Brisbane Metro South Refugee Health Service Health Equity and Access Unit Logan Central Community Health Centre; Jan Williams, Clinical Services Coordinator, Migrant Health Clinic, Adelaide; Lisa Clements, Clinical Nurse Manager, Companion House, ACT
Nurses working in this area:
- Lead the development of models of care with and for people from refugee backgrounds
- Contribute to local, state and national policies
- Contribute to, and are developing a knowledge base for practice
- Are researchers and co-researchers
- Practice person centred care and safe cultural practices